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How do you prescribe Pep if you have HIV?

Use CDC's comprehensive guidelines for prescribing PEP. PEP (post-exposure prophylaxis) is the use of antiretroviral medication to prevent HIV in a person without HIV who may have been recently exposed to HIV. Exposure typically occurs through sex or sharing syringes (or other injection equipment) with someone who has or might have HIV.

How will the exposed worker obtain Pep medications?

How the exposed worker will obtain PEP medications to complete the 28-day regimen. The source should be tested as soon as possible to determine HIV infectivity. Results of the source individual’s HIV testing should be made available to the exposed worker’s healthcare provider.

Who can prescribe Pep?

PEP is used to prevent HIV after a potential exposure. Any licensed prescriber can prescribe PEP. Baseline assessment is required for people beginning PEP. Use CDC's comprehensive guidelines for prescribing PEP.

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